Koolau Farmers

Banana Trees

Large bunch of small, yellow Banana Trees bananas

Dwarf Apple, Williams, and Double Mahoi are just a few of the varieties of Banana Trees we carry. These fast-growing plants have “trunks” that consist of overlapping layers of sheaths that develop into green or purplish-green leaves. Flowering stalks emerge from the center of the trunk and support the banana fruit.

Dwarf Apple Banana Trees produce a sweet, apple-flavored fruit that’s perfect in deserts. Williams bananas are often used in making pasteles, a Puerto Rican dish that’s popular in the islands. Double Mahoi is another sweet banana that works well in deserts.

Growing Tips*

  • Requires bright light for optimum growth.
  • Use a well-draining, acidic soil, with a pH level between 5.5 and 6.5.
  • Water regularly to keep soil moist. Don’t let the soil dry out, but don’t over water.  Standing water will rot the roots.
  • Apply a light dose of balanced fertilizer with each watering.
  • Pruning all but one stalk encourages maximum fruit production.
  • Use Integrated Pest Management to identify pests and reduce damage.
  • Harvest by cutting the stalk when bananas are plump and green.

Banana Trees are well suited to tropical weather. This makes them fitting additions to island homes and gardens. The fruit is healthy, with loads of potassium and vitamin A. Use them in your favorite bread and pudding recipes.

*These Growing Tips are general in nature. Environments and conditions vary. For specific advice on your growing environment, talk to one of our specialists at a Ko’olau Farmers near you.



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