Koolau Farmers

Honohono Orchids

Hanging pot of Honohono Orchids, has long draping stems holding white and dark pink flowers and green leaves.

Honohono Orchids on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koolaufarmers/reel/DG_OQ_NPHpQ/

Honohono Orchids are a favorite among Hawaiian lei makers and orchid aficianados alike. Originating across much of southeast Asia, these highly prized orchids produce long, draping stems of exquisitely fragrant flowers that start to bloom once its leaves have dropped off. The colorful blossoms last 3 to 4 weeks in the spring, from March to May.

Besides potting them, you can mount your Honohono Orchids on cork or on the bark of the ubiquitous Hapu’u or Hawaiian Tree Fern if you have one nearby. But you’ll need to water them more frequently as they tend to dry out a lot faster than when grown in a potting medium.

Honohono Orchids Growing Tips*

  • Place in an area where sunlight is filtered, keeping young keikis in the shade. Avoid direct, midday sun.
  • Water every day in the spring and summer months; then drop off to two times a week in the winter during the orchid’s dormant cycle. Make sure the soil dries out completely between waterings to avoid root rot.
  • Use a potting medium of 3 parts medium orchid bark, 3 parts peat moss, and 1 part perlite.
  • To promote blossoming, start fertilizing early in the year (January to February). Then fertilize twice a week during the summer months with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer at one-half strength. Do not fertilize during the winter months.
  • Plant or report during the late spring through summer when new shoots are 4 to 5 inches long and the roots are 2 inches in length. Repot older plants every two years.

Follow these basic tips to ensure your Honohono Orchids brighten your home for a long time to come.

*These Growing Tips are general in nature. Environments and conditions vary. For specific advice on your growing environment, talk to one of our specialists at a Ko’olau Farmers near you.



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